The Vault

You arrive at the bank to make a teensy withdrawal from your savings only to find someone has already pilfered your account and, the culprits are still there! You and your friends were planning a smidge of rowdiness on the town but, now you're facing the business end of a pistol and being locked in the bank's high-security vault. I suppose the adventure is just getting underway!

Not only have they absconded with the last of your measly paycheck and put your "fun-plans" on hold, the robbers had the nerve to cut off all communications systems, then disable the alarms and leave you and your friends stranded inside of an eerie fortress of wealth. (Hmmmmm..... ) Okay, put the selfish thoughts aside for a moment. You're gonna have to reach way down for your 'inner Houdini' to pull some swift moves if you're going to figure out how to escape from this sealed room of concrete and steel. Even if you can get through the vault's burglary countermeasures, there is still a cacophony of disabled electronic security and the Automated Response System has locked down all of the exits tighter than Fort Knox.

While no physical strength will be required for this game, dexterity to step over the 8" high threshold at the vault door will be needed from all players. (And, for anyone feeling a tad claustrophobic at the thought of being stranded in a bank vault, there is a separate 'anytime exit' from the vault itself.)

This newest high-tech "Vault Escape" room scenario at Michigan Escape Games is designed for 4 to 8 players and can be booked right now.

The Vault

The "Vault Escape" scenario your team has been taken into the vault by robbers who showed up at the bank when you were there and locked you in the vault before they left. From inside of the secured bank vault you'll have to escape through the heavily reinforced door and then figure out how to disable the bank lockdown enabled by the robbers and re-establish network communications in order to escape. This is a very high-tech, story-driven game that will amaze as well as perplex.

To be made available soon: "Vault Escape" will be followed by "Vault Diamond Heist" will be a new scenario where you will play a group of thieves with inside information to break into a bank vault after hours to steal a precious diamond and then attempt get away with as much loot as possible and escape before the alarm triggers for a "Point Score". Diamond Heist is the second scenario being made available.

Each Scenario is a completely new set of puzzles, different storylines, alternate goals to accomplish and a different starting point in the game.

Number of Players: 5-8, minimum of 4
Difficulty: Medium
Completion rate: TBD
Time: 60 Minutes
Cost: $32pp
Ages: Designed for Adults. Kids 10-16 can participate with adults